
28 Dec: Best & Worst Travel Moments of 2017

It’s easy to look at everyone’s highlight reels and be in awe of all the amazing places that you’ve visited over the year. We get so fixated on getting the shot and the instant gratification of someone being in awe of where we’ve been that we forget about the real feelings we had when we were there. Here are some raw emotions, the good and the bad, about some trips that I’ve taken this year in 2017.


02 Nov: What’s in my Camera Bag (2017)

In 2016, I had a single camera and lens that I took with me on several backpacking trips including Havasupai. Now, I’ve invested some serious $$ into my starter kit and I’m excited to share what that I have. Overall, I’m super happy with the kit I’ve built. This will be a fun post to update over the next few years since I’m sure my camera kit will explode with gear… (hopefully).