30 Before 30 List

30 goals to accomplish before I turn 30

30 before 30

The list of things I’d like to accomplish before I’m 30. In no particular order

  • Pay off my Student Loans
  • Get Scuba Certified
  • Post every day on Instagram for 30 days
  • Do a Handstand (and hold it for 30 seconds)
  • Upgrade to a Full Frame Camera
  • See the Northern Lights
  • Do Scorpion Pose
  • Go on a Solo Trip
  • Learn how to Surf
  • Net Worth= $0
  • Swim in a Glacial Lake
  • Do a 30 day Yoga Challenge
  • Photograph the Milky Way
  • Squat & Deadlift my own body weight
  • Swim with a whale shark
  • Learn how to properly free dive
  • Backpack a small section hike (High Sierra Trail, 100 Mile wilderness in Maine)
  • Take a Figure Drawing Course
  • Get lost in the Louvre
  • Go on a family trip to India
  • Learn how to lead climb
  • Blog every day for a month
  • Convince and take my dad to hike Mount Kailash (Cross that off his bucket list)
  • Go on a yoga retreat
  • Publish a Blog post on a different platform ( Medium, thought catalog or even another blog)
  • Invest in underwater housing for my camera
  • Top Rope & Boulder outside
  • Ice skate on a frozen lake
  • Go on the Harry Potter Studio Tour
  • Cross off one thing off my Wanderlist every year (3/5)


I’ll use the ever loved strikethrough to mark the items I’ve done between now and when I turn 30! I’ll be doing my best to blog about each of these specific items once they (hopefully) happen.

– Nimisha